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Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Good news! After a long 11 days, Nate was given a clean bill of health and released from the care of the hospital into our excited and nervous arms. We have been hopefully anticipating this day for not only the past 11 days, but really for 9 months now. We missed not having Nate around, just showing how much of a part of the family he had already become despite the fact that he hasn't been home ex vivo until now. I found myself often telling Regis how much I missed my belly during those days that Nate was away, knowing full well that it wasn't really my belly that I was missing. The nerves started to kick in last night after we realized that it was our last night before we had a newborn and a 23-month old in the house. We were trying to do all the things that we are afraid we aren't going to be able to do for the next several months. You know, personal hygeine things like shower, shave my legs, pluck my eyebrows....sleep! Remember this when you don't see a picture of me posted herein until Nate is six months years old. Besides, the nurses have been telling me for days what a loud and strong boy Nate is. They claim he cries all night, demanding food and attention. I tell them Nate sounds like just like his daddy. Truthfully, I'm not sure I believe them because he is always so quiet and sweet when I am there, but they claim he just pipes down whenever I come around. I guess we are about to find out...

We had been telling Adrienne all day yesterday that baby Nate was coming home today. She remembered this too, because when I asked her what day it was this morning, she answered, "Baby Day!". So when Adrienne's school called this morning and asked us to pick her up because she has rashes on her body (a phone call we received while waiting at the hospital for Nate's release), you can imagine our concern. Both Adrienne's and Nate's doctors recommended trying to keep them separated for a few days. Obviously neither of them lives with a 23-month old in a 3 bedroom apartment. We managed to sneak Nate in during Adrienne's naptime. It took her approximately 17 minutes to discover Nate after her nap.  You can imagine her surprise, however, to discover a baby on Mommy and Daddy's bed. She was pretty excited! She wanted to show him her toys and share her granola bar and give 'hugs!'. So at the moment we are spraying her down with instant hand-sanitizer, trying to prevent her from touching Nate, and praying that it's not chicken pox!!

Other than that, the day has been wonderful. It has taken me approximately 4 hours plus 1 mommy-baby cuddly nap to two-finger type this post. You'll have to excuse the spelling and grammer errors--I have a snuggly baby boy in my arms that I just can't put down!


  1. Oh My!!! What a beautiful family Tracy!!!!!!!!! God bless you and your little bundles of joy! I am so glad he's home now.

  2. What a Precious BABY! He is SO CUTE! Of course, I am sure I am not partial! From Grandma!

  3. Soooo happy for you, he looks perfect- I'm sure he was just trying to tell those nurses to finally let him go home...

    I'm also glad to hear that Adrienne turned out to not have the chicken pox & is free to cuddle her baby brother as much as she wants, can't wait to see the first pictures of the two cuties together!
