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Sunday, 10 July 2011

The Covey is Nesting

If I were at 35+ weeks of pregnancy, this posting would mean that you should be on standby near your phone for the arrival of number 2 is imminent. However, I do not think you have anything to worry about, except maybe that Regis and I seem to have caught some sort of nasty nesting bug. For me, there were several coinciding events this past week that catalyzed this over-bearing need to organize. First of all, July 6th, along with Regis 38th birthday, represented the four-months-to-go mark on this pregnancy. Four months only. Second, this little guy has started kicking. Hard enough to keep me up at night. Finally, on impulse and with advice and encouragement of a few friends, I bought this:
If you cannot tell what 'this' is, it is a Phil and Ted's double-stroller.  See, you put your toddler up front and the new baby rides behind. I had been ignoring our impending need for a double stroller because everytime I see the side-by-side double strollers, I start to have a little panic attack. I mean, they look HUGE.  Seriously. How are you supposed to get around with those things? Since I did not have a bad reaction to this stroller, I figured it must be the one (luckily I used different criteria when choosing my husband).

So, to make a short story long, the culmination of all these events happening this week is that I actually KNOW that another baby is coming. Of course I have known for many weeks now that I am pregnant, but it hasn't quite hit home that another baby will be in our house in a short 4 months time. So now I am feeling excited but also anxious.  Because another baby is coming! And we have no space for baby boy's clothes! And what is all this stuff under our beds? And piled in corners? Why are Adrienne's toy's chucked all over the house? Who is in charge here?? I recommend you take stock in Tupperware containers because I am on an organizing mission!   
I cannot explain what brought on Regis' bout of organization but I can tell you that the upshot of it was an addition of an American sized shed on our patio. Ah, a place outside our living room to put bikes, strollers, luggage...I admit it's pretty sweet.

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