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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Terrible Twos

We've been going through a bit of the terrible twos around here as of late. You know, your average run of the mill tantrums, tears, head-butting, obstinance, and resistance, just taken up a notch or two in frequency the past few weeks. Rational me understands that this is part of the normal development of a child: to develop emotions, to understand boundaries, to explore actions and reactions, yadda, yadda. But, to be honest, the irrational me finds it really annoying. And maybe alot of the rational me, too. The hubby and I have taken to describing this behavior with choice words muttered under our breath and find the need to put ourselves in periodic peaceful timeouts away from the crankies. 

Now, to be fair, all of the onus cannot be put squarely on Adrienne's tiny defiant shoulders. That would be leaving out her hitting hands and stomping feet and wailing mouth, which should be included in the blame. No, seriously though, between her age, a lot of moving and disruption over the past few months, and further amplified by my recent return to work and change of her schedule, it's no wonder that Adrienne feels a bit unsettled and cranky. Taking these things into consideration, we are trying to have patience around here. If we can't find patience, we turn to a strong drink or two. 

However, one of the good things about kids is you usually don't have to wait too long before things change. Because the only thing predictable about children is that they are unpredictable. Children often give me the external feeling of being manic. One minute they couldn't be cuter and the next minute they are driving you crazy. So we embrace the ups and try to ride out the lows without pulling out all of our hair. 

Adrienne has taken to telling me that she is a 'rock-star' when she gets dressed to head out. No one ever said living with a rock star was going to be easy, but we love it anyway. 

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