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Sunday, 8 January 2012

A year in review

We welcomed 2012 in bed with a case of bronchitis, this time for the hubby. Our last few months have been stained by illnesses, doctor visits, and hospital stays. I must admit that it has worn on us a bit and left us with more of a bitter than a sweet taste of 2011. That being said, writing this has helped me take a step back and look at the big picture. When you wipe away the snotty noses, germy hands, and  excess paranoia, and take the sum of all things 2011, we end up way in the black when it comes to blessings.

Witnessing and accompanying Adrienne during this year has been incredible. From a wobbly one year old to a curious and talkative two year old, 2011 was the year we watched her turn from a baby into a little girl. The transition happened over the course of the year but I feel like it happened overnight. Like we woke up one morning and gone was our baby and in her place a goofy, sweet, playful child. We often ask ourselves only partially rhetorically, How in the world did Adrienne get so big already?! Adrienne has been hosting a gamut of different viruses and germs over the past few months, one that even warranted 5 days in the hospital. While all of this has been much to our dismay and consternation, it has barely slowed her down at all. She remains, in sickness or in health, happy and charming and busy.  

Speaking of growth, another obvious blessing to 2011 was the conceiving, gestating, and birth of our son Ignatius. While pregnancy has its obvious downsides that I could certainly do without, I will admit right here that I love being pregnant. I love the big belly and knowing that a tiny, precious human being is nurtured within. I love that it stops being about me for a bit and it becomes about the baby. I like the way people look at my tummy and ask questions about my growing family. This gives me an excuse to commandeer the conversation with my favorite topic and a good opening to hear about their family and experiences. And then there is the birth, finally meeting and holding the baby you have been thinking about for so long. When I reminisce about Adrienne's birth, the first days with her were the most powerful and intense and amazing days of my life. In moments that I am feeling sorry for myself, I feel robbed of those days with Ignatius. Rather than days full of cuddles and awe, our first were filled with anxiety and fear and depression. I wish that it was the other way. But the truth is, thank God, Nate was born in a time and place where he could receive the medical care that he needed. So it was an incredible blessing and I am extremely grateful to have been handed a healthy baby boy this year, even if it did come 11 scary days later than we might have liked.   

Regis and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this September. Each year has brought new adventures and experiences but Regis remains my constant and best friend. I feel lucky to share my life with him. I have always loved him as my husband and as my friend, but I love him additionally now as the father to our two children. It is fun to see him expand and grow in this role as well. This year we gained perspective as parents. We had adventures traveling to places in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Europe. We weathered some rough patches that life threw at us. And now we look forward (and perhaps impatiently) to the next step of our journey that 2012 brings us.

A final highlight in 2011 is you: our friends and family. You guys are awesome. Thanks for your  support, prayers, laughter, and love. It has been fun to allow you to keep up with us on this blog. We have heard from more of you this year than any of the past years we have been in Singapore and that was really great for me. This year would not have been the same without you. I truly wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. What a great family. You are blessed. Can't wait to see you all!
