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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Best Christmas Pressy EVER

I forgot to tell you I got the best Christmas present this year. Regis and I decided not to give each other gifts this year. I know, that is kind of lame, right? But neither of us was terribly motivated to go shopping and we are trying to pare down our stuff in anticipation of a big move across the pacific, so it just didn't seem like it was necessary this year. Plus, we figured that we were taking a trip as a present to ourselves. I feel it's a sign of age when you stop wanting stuff and relishing opportunities to receive presents. I remember when my parents would say they didn't need anything for Christmas or birthdays and I always thought, well, ya, but don't you WANT something?! As it turns out, I DID want something for Christmas but I just didn't realize it until I got it: 90 minutes of traditional thai back and shoulder massage on a floating lotus pond with no noise other than the sound of water. Thank-you, hubby!!

1 comment:

  1. So amazing! That's it, Christmas in Krabbi next year!
