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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Some thoughts about the weather

I am expecting my second Singapore baby in early November. The first was due early December, and born in November.  Of course one of the questions you get when you are pregnant is: when is your due date? When I have replied to this question with both my pregnancies, a significant number of people respond with something along the lines of: "Oh, you are so lucky to have your baby in Nov/Dec because its much cooler then." If you have said this to me and I started at you like you had three eyes, I apologize. It's not that I don't like you, it's just I find myself clueless about how to respond to this statement. 

Here is the thing, folks: Singapore is in the tropics. Its 40 miles from the equator. It only has one season: HOT. Sometimes it's hot and sunny and sometimes its hot and rainy, but its always hot and humid. I mean, look at the variety on the current 10 day forecast from weather.com:

As you might imagine, one doesn't need to check the weather very often in preparation for what to wear tomorrow and dramatic weather forecasts aren't the reason you watch the nightly news. Sure, there are some days that feel hotter than other days. And every once in awhile after a rain and if there is a breeze, you might walk outside and think, "Wow, isn't that pleasant?". But "cool".... not so much. This is further evidenced by this data from ssd.org graphing the annual temperatures in Singapore:

I might spend too much time in a lab analyzing differences in data, but from a scientific standpoint it looks like a straight line to me (i.e. no significant difference). From a less scientific standpoint, I can add these additional observations: I have taken to eating ice like I have pica disease, I sometimes pretend to be looking for something in the cold room just to have a legitimate reason to hang out in there, and my husband thinks we could store meat in our bedroom at night even though I think it could be a few degrees cooler to be really comfortable. So even if there were a slight dip in the temperature during certain months, this decrease is totally offset by the raise in body temperature caused by increased hormones.

That being said, however, I usually try to give a sociable response to the above statement instead of staring at people like they are crazy. So I reply, "Yes, I agree, I am lucky". And that is the truth.    

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