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Monday, 27 June 2011

It's all good!

Yesterday we went in to the clinic for our 3-D ultrasound.  In my opinion, this is a big milestone in one's pregnancy because 1. It represents the half-way mark (woo hoo!) and 2. Its ~30 minutes sneak peak at the little miracle, with finger and toe counting and all.  We had a particularly nice technician working with us yesterday.  Instead of staring stoically at the screen and taking necessary measurements for 20 minutes (which, I can tell you from experience, is just enough time to nearly drive you into a complete meltdown because you are sure that your baby has 7 arms and no legs or something worse), this technician showed us the entire scan while simultaneously exclaiming "Ah, beautiful!" or "Perfect".  This, in contrast to the other method, preserves the mommy's sanity and allows her to enjoy the full scan.  

Upon sticking the wand on my swelling belly, she quickly turns to us and asks if we want to know the baby's gender.  Luckily we do, because even with the bare minimum experience of looking at ultrasound pictures, I can tell the sex of this baby.  As my husband so eloquently put it, he was "clearly showing his junk".  Of course, we were given 70% odds that the baby was a boy at my previous appointment, but the confirmation was nice (especially since we have been telling everyone--friends, family, co-workers, random strangers trapped in the elevator with us--that this baby is a boy).   

The technician then asked if we had other children, and we told her we already have a daughter.  She said, "Oh, this is good.  In Chinese, the word for good is made up of 'a girl' and 'a boy'".  This was something I had never heard before, so I did what any good investigator would do and typed it into google. Here is what I found on The Oxford Chinese Dictionary:

Learning Chinese characters can also give some insights into Chinese culture and popular thinking. For example, the Chinese character for ‘good’ is 好 (Pinyin: hǎo).  好 is comprised of the radical 女, meaning ‘female’ or ‘daughter’ and 子, meaning ‘child’ or ‘son’. In this particular context, 女 means daughter and 子 means son. In Chinese popular thinking, it is considered a blessing to have two children, a boy and a girl. As such, a daughter and a son makes for good.

Whether this is your definition of good or not, I'll leave that for you to decide.  But I can tell you that we are certainly feeling good and blessed on this end. 

10 Fingers!

10 Toes!

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