Nate's crawling. That's pretty old news, really. I utterly failed to announce this major milestone here on Trouble's Tribune. Mostly that is because Nate decided to start crawling about 2 days before we moved to Houston. So to recap, to reward Nate's life changing step of freedom, we bound him tightly and securely in his car seat and drove for 4 days. Nate went along quite begrudgingly, if not indignantly, with moments of complete outrage. However, between his dramatic displays of displeasure, he was spending large portions of our car ride contemplating ways to improve his technique, speed, and balance. Or at least that is what I believe. Because when we set him loose after we finally arrived in Houston, he was like a caged animal set free. Crawling this way and that, grabbing things, hiding under chairs, back and forth. We were sort of hoping that 4 days of confinement would set him back a bit. You know, back to just a few weeks prior when we could set him on the floor just out of reach from, say, a large glass of red wine or freshly folded laundry and know that disaster was not eminent. Alas, once he had a taste of independence and the joy of dragging our belongings to the tiniest corners of the house, he could never go back. You can imagine that this made our moving and unpacking so much more challenging. I have never in my life been more grateful to the inventor of the bouncy chair. So that is our life with Nate these days. Along with looking for my misplaced keys and cell phone, I have to spend large amounts of time searching for my mobile Nate. Is he under the bed? Behind the couch? Around this corner? Usually if you call his name, he'll pull up on the nearest piece of furniture and give a smile so big it melts my heart every time. Which is good since often the remnants of my purse are strewn on the floor behind him. That being said, it is a milestone we celebrate and cheer him on for and are proud to share on this medium. Good job, Nate! And from the looks of it, walking is not too far in the future, buddy.
In an effort to get some recent photos of Nate, I pulled out the camera and finally found him up to some sort of mischief in the bathroom. I was going to get photographic evidence of his cuteness without his knowing but, as you can see from the (blurry) pictures, I totally got busted. But I do love to see this determined ball of Nate hurdling at me!